Silently, Secretly, Mysteriously

No trumpets, no shouts, marked the beginning of the dispensation of the mystery.  Just the simple statement, "The salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles."

Because they cannot point back to some historical landmark, many are inclined to doubt these words in the Word.  They cannot believe that such an important event could just happen without some eruption in nature or a great battle of world forces or some such landmark to point out a great change.

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When He First Loved Us

By Oscar M. Baker

We can never fully express the love of God.  It is past finding out, as far as the fleshly nature of man is concerned.  It is the same with the love of Christ (Eph. 3:19).  In looking at John 17:24 we find the Sons reminding the Father that He had loved Him before the foundation of the world.  The questions that arise are, When was this? and why?

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An Habitation of God #2

By Oscar M. Baker

Now such truth as we have in Ephesians 2:20-22 is almost totally unknown today. It is speaking of a "dwelling place" of God.

"And are builded upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets" (2:20a).

Foundation there is the apostles and prophets on this side of Acts 28:28. The O.T. prophets are over on the other side. In Eph. 4:11 we read that the Church which is the Body of Christ had gifts given to it, and these apostles and prophets here is what that verse is talking about.

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A Question Of Divisions

By Oscar M. Baker

As we look about us today we see that Christendom is divided into hundreds of sects.  We read much  about these divisions as men deplore them.  There is a widespread accusation that men are dividing the body of Christ.  And men everywhere are seeking to make a union, to gather the sects and denominations together under one head.  But of course that one head will be a man.

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A Prayer For Us Today

By Oscar M. Baker

Although the prayer in Ephesians 1 is for the saints and faithful at Ephesus, nevertheless it is applicable to such folks today.  In 1:17 we note that the first thing necessary is that we have the gift of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ.  Trying to learn about the mystery without learning Christ is about as foolish as some who want the kingdom without the King.  The mystery of Christ can never be fully known without a grasp of the dispensation of the mystery.  Neither can the dispensation of the mystery be known without a full revelation of the mystery of Christ.  Study these two mysteries in 3:1-6.

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A More Excellent Way

By Oscar M. Baker

Our Lord loved people, and what did He do about it?  Why, His whole lifetime here upon the earth was helping people, teaching them, healing their diseases, bringing the dead to life, and so on.  That was love all the way through.  It is not sitting down somewhere in seclusion, or out on a mountain top somewhere, like Buddha, and doing nothing.  But you see that's somewhat of the old nature in man, just sit and do nothing.

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Acts and John Compared

By Oscar M. Baker

Each of these books has a present prospect, but used events of the past for proof and background.  Each one recognizes the line of demarcation where Israel ceased to be the favored nation with dispensational advantages over all others.  Each was written primarily to Gentiles.  And the background of each is the failure of Israel to recognize and receive her Messiah.

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A Song of Praise

By Oscar M. Baker

Isaiah 12 is short, only 6 verses, a song of praise. It's separate from the rest, and the translators recognized this, so they set it aside. The background for it is found in Isa. 11:16. It speaks of a day when Israel will be led back into their land. "And there shall be an highway for the remnant of His People. which shall be left, from Assyria; like as it was to Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt."

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The Word of Truth for Today 7

By Joseph L. Watkins

In this paper we would like share a few suggested outlines for dividing the word of truth - Rightly.  Ask the next 100 saints in Christ Jesus you meet how we should divide the word of truth rightly, and 99 will start by saying the Old Testament should be divided from the New.  And yet out of the 6,000 years  that God has been working with mankind, only about 2,000 have anything to do with the Old or the New Testament, or we should say the old covenant or the new covenant.

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The Word of Truth for Today 25

By Joseph L. Watkins

Yes, the Word of Truth For Today, that is the Truth we seek today. Some years ago (June 1996, oh, how the time goes) we began this column under the title, The Word of Truth. It soon became subtitled, "Dividing the Word of Truth" as it became increasingly apparent that such a work was needed in many folks' lives. We now return to our original goal, "The Word of Truth For Today" - that distinctive, unique message out of God dispensed with this age and His eternal purpose in His view.

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RD 101 - "The" Mystery

By Jack Eberle

“The” Mystery is different from other mysteries which are denominated in various ways. This is in God’s great plan of the ages (Heb. 11:3). The “mystery” is not revealed until the Great Divide has occurred which was about 60 A.D. After this, Paul writes the seven mystery epistles to “the church who is His body”. They will not be understood by others. This literal truth is spiritual as opposed to earthly or sensual. The epistles of the mystery which are the last portions of inspired Word to be written are Eph., Ph’p, Col., I and II Tim., Tit., and Ph’m. Some of these were written by Paul from prison in Rome. II Tim. was the last letter written.

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What Do You Seek?

What Do You Seek?

By George Feldman

If a person is risen, then we may infer that he has died and was buried. And in this context we find death mentioned. In verse 20 in the preceding chapter we find that the believer should die with Christ from the rudiments of the world. Now when one is dead, he is free from the law, from ordinances or rules of men, and from any worldly attachments.

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The Prodigal

The Prodigal

By George Feldman

Our subject pictured above has hit rock bottom circumstantially. The only ones content are the hogs taking a siesta. From appearances it would be hard to believe the young man came from a wealthy family. The story of how he requested his inheritance from his father and squandered it in reckless living and a dissipated lifestyle is recorded in Luke 15:11-32. Added to this was a famine that worsened his situation and he ended up with an occupation feeding swine which was a despicable and insulting job for a Jewish person. However, the noteworthy high point of the story is that he came to his senses realizing his father's slaves were living better than he was! His decision to go back home and throw himself on his father's mercy to be restored to the family, acknowledging that he had first of all sinned against God, serves to illustrate the repentant sinner being welcomed back home by a loving and forgiving father.

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