Vessels in a Great House

Vessels in a Great House

By George Feldman

In I Corinthians 3 we have the picture of different kinds of houses built on the one foundation. Builders used such materials as gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay and stubble. All these refer to man's works, of what kind they are. And a day of testing is to come. Some workmen will be approved, some disapproved.

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Life and Resurrection #2

By Oscar M. Baker

“Man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live.” This is the same message as in John 3:16, except this is to Jews only, while John's message is worldwide. It would be well to see what some passages in the Old Testament have to say about our subject.

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How To Read the Bible #2

By Oscar M. Baker

We emphasize in our teaching that people READ the Bible, and once in a while we do give a lesson on reading, emphasis and so on. When I was a youngster, we had Bible reading in the home. Mother did the reading and Dad did the praying, and I of course listened. That may sound ritualistic in a way, and maybe it was, but I think some ritual is pretty good. A lot of things that came to my ears when that was being read, I didn't forget. Mother was a good reader. She had learned to read with emphasis, and how to watch the punctuation. Also, she tried to understand what she was reading - that makes all the difference in the world.

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