By Michael S. Mecikalski
In The Heaven Far Above All Heavens #26
Please review article #25 in this series and read I Pet.1:18-25.
Another “belief” as to what Scriptural predestination is has been entertained by thousands thru-out history; this idea is one that was brought to popularity on the world stage by a man named John Calvin (1509-64 A.D.). The Calvinistic viewpoint states that you are either predestinated by God Almighty to be a saved believer or you are predestinated to be lost. Although this belief does not have every creature created and born as eventually being saved, it does have inherently within it the idea that ultimately there is no choice in the matter. Glory to God if you are predestinated to salvation, plumb out of luck if you are not! Certainly this creed leaves a huge “out” for mankind to be responsible, at the very least, to the Creator, for how can anybody be responsible to the Lord if they are predestinated not to be?!! Scripturally sound? I know that this “position” is not.
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