The Change
/By Oscar M. Baker
“Be it known therefore to you, that to the Gentiles is sent the salvation of God; and they will hear” (Interlinear Gr. N.T., Acts 28:28). Paul, who is the speaker here, is talking to the Jewish leaders that he’d gathered together for an all day meeting in Rome, shortly after he’d arrived there as a prisoner. And he’s speaking in his own hired house, but bound with a chain. The Roman authorities had been rather lenient with him on that occasion, and probably for the reason that he was a Roman citizen, he was a well educated man, and also the fact that really there was no charge against him. So they were giving him some comfort before his case would come before Caesar, which probably took 2 years. We talk about our courts being slow sometimes in our country, but way back in Rome they were a little slow, too.
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