Selected Writings II
/Selected Writings II by E.W. Bullinger, D.D.
This is a sequel to the booklet "The Two Natures in the Child of God". There are 13 different subjects discussed, but I will address only three due to limited space. All of these articles are taken from Dr. Bullinger's work entitled Things to Come.
#1. Holiness - God's Way, Better Than Man's. There is no question that we have been called to be holy as God is holy. We find that there are two ways recorded. One is God's way and the other is "The way of Cain." God's way would have us to be looking at Jesus Christ. Man's way is wrapped up with the means to holiness rather than the object of it. Here are a few examples of this:
“The sinner with his sins,
The penitent with his repentance,
The believer with his faith,
The servant with his service,
and the saint with his holiness.”
This is all done in a subtle way by the enemy by mentioning Christ, but the intent is to be occupied with self.
#2. The Seven Sayings by the Well - John 4:7-26. This is the account where the woman of Samaria comes to draw water and the Lord says unto her, "Give me to drink." The Lord had a divine appointment with this woman to bring salvation to her. I will not list the other six sayings that are recorded, but this woman does learn how, where and Whom she is to worship and the kind of worship that God will accept from these sayings. Verse 24 states "God is a Sprit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth."
#3. Man Of God - 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 - "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." Timothy was called to be a man of God. The question is asked "Is there a man of God on the earth today?" What are the qualifications for a man of God? Timothy's qualifications were that he knew and was assured of the truth that was in the Scriptures. Timothy was to become a spokesman for God. Timothy was a faithful servant. Do we have anyone who has these qualifications today?
The warnings and instructions given to Timothy can certainly be applied to us who find ourselves living in the "Last Days." It is the editor's prayer that the Lord would enable us to be faithful witnesses of this message of holiness and that we would be able ministers of the Word of God.
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