Selected Writings


Selected Writings

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by  E.W. Bullinger

Book Review by Robert Guenther
A reprinted book we offer our readers. These are some of the best works by Dr. Bullinger that were previously available in pamphlet form, but now are combined into one book. There are twelve articles in this book. I will list all of them and expound on three. When we compare some of his later writings with these earlier ones, we see a transition in his understanding of the ‘Mystery’. We would ask that the reader take note of this important truth.

(1) The Importance of Accuracy and the Study of the Holy Scriptures is an exposition of 2 Timothy 3:16 which says, “all Scripture is given by inspiration of God...” or literally, “God–breathed.” Dr. Bullinger argues that if we do not put the Bible before all other books then our search for Truth will be in vain. He then gives many examples of the importance of reading, study, and teaching God's Word, paying attention to every detail in order to avoid error.

(2) Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth is the next topic (2 Timothy 2:15). The Word has many titles: "the engrafted Word" as in James 1:21; “the faithful Word” in Titus 1:9; "the Word of Life" in Philippians 2:16. Here in 2 Timothy we are instructed to rightly divide to keep us from error and enable us to search the Scriptures for ourselves.

Space is limited, so I will give a list of the other subjects before giving a short explanation on his last one.

(3) The Knowledge of God
(4) God's Purpose in Israel in History, Type and Prophecy
(5) Christ's Prophetic Teaching
(6) The Rich Man and Lazarus
(7) The spirits in Prison (1 Peter 3:17)
(8) The Transfiguration
(9) The Resurrection of the Body
(10) The Lord's Day (Revelation 1:10)
(11) The Two Prayers in the Ephesians
(12) The Mystery - or secret

Dr. Bullinger explains that there are many secrets in the Word of God. Some of them are; The duration of Israel’s blindness (Romans 11:25); the secrets of the kingdom (Matthew13:11, 35); The mystery of iniquity (2 Thessalonians 2:7); the great secret of the Ecclesia, and the great secret (Ephesians 3:9).  

As noted earlier, Dr. Bullinger made a transition in his thinking concerning the Mystery. His last work, The Foundations of Dispositional Truth, promoted the idea that the mysteries in Paul’s earlier epistles did not reveal the Great Secret contained in Paul's prison epistles. However, there is enough truth in this work to warrant your attention.