Form of Sound Words


Form of Sound Words



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By Charles H. Welch

Book Review by Robert Guenther
This book derives its title from II Tim. 1:13, “Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.” 

In order to understand our hope in the heavenlies we are admonished to study the scriptures from a doctrinal, practical and dispensational viewpoint. Paul instructs Timothy to hold fast to the true and valid teachings that God gave to him. Paul was entrusted with the truth of the dispensation of the mystery. This mystery, or secret, contains the truth of our hope, calling, and sphere of blessing which we will enjoy in the heavenlies. Mr. Welch states in Chapter VII that the endeavor of Ephesians 3:9 is the chief reason for the publishing of this book. Inspiration means God-breathed, and is the subject of Chapter Two. God didn’t write the Bible, but used several men to record the truths that He wanted us to understand. (IITim.3:15-17)

Chapters III, IV, and V consider the great doctrine of God; the being of God Himself in His absolute and unconditioned essence, but most importantly, God manifest in the flesh.

Sin, and the sacrifice for sin is the subject of Chapter VI. The writer emphasizes that sin is missing the mark of the divine standard and that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans3:23). God does not leave us in this lost condition, but rather tells us that Christ Jesus has redeemed us and offered Himself for us. The threefold result is forgiveness, justification, and sanctification. 

Chapter VII answers the question of when the church started. Chapter VIII explains the three spheres of blessing; the Earth, the Heavenlies, and the Heavenly Jerusalem. By rightly dividing the Word of truth we can discern our sphere of blessing. 

The five prison epistles are discussed in the last chapter. Mr. Welch enlarges upon our standing (position) and our state (service) before the Lord. In Ephesians we can see that we are seated with Christ. Philippians has our goal the prize, and Colossians teaches us that we are complete in Him. II Timothy holds forth the crown to be sought after, and Philemon is a personal letter.

Mr. Welch does not attempt to exhaust this subject of the form of sound words, but rather gives us a method whereby we can try the things that differ and approve the things that are excellent. May we emulate the Bereans in searching the scriptures to see if these things are true. “…they received…and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” (Acts17:11)